Results for 'Joseph Petrus Boosten'

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  1.  2
    Taine et Renan et l'idée de Dieu.Joseph Petrus Boosten - 1937 - Maestricht,: Boosten & Stols.
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    Mental imagery in memory psychophysics.William M. Petrusic & Joseph V. Baranski - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):206-207.
    Imagery has played an important, albeit controversial, role in the study of memory psychophysics. In this commentary we critically examine the available data bearing on whether pictorial based depictions of remembered perceptual events are activated and scanned in each of a number of different psychophysical tasks.
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    Tu Es Petrus.Joseph Rickaby - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (3):353-359.
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    Petrus Damiani und die weltliche Wissenschaft.Joseph Anton Endres - 1910 - Münster,: Aschendorffsche buchandlung.
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    The influence of Petrus Ramus: studies in sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophy and sciences.Mordechai Feingold, Joseph S. Freedman & Wolfgang Rother (eds.) - 2001 - Basel: Schwabe & Co..
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    Philosophy and the Arts in Central Europe 1500-1700.Joseph S. Freedman - 2019 - Routledge.
    Published in 1999. The articles in this collection focus on instruction - and writings arising from that instruction - in philosophy and the arts during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with emphasis on Central Europe. The introduction brings together and expands upon many of the topics discussed - and conclusions reached - in the remaining seven articles. Four of these articles are devoted to examining the significance of two ancient authors (Aristotle and Cicero) and of two more recent ones ( (...) Ramus and Bartholomew Keckermann). The article on Keckermann is based in part on previously unpublished biographical and bibliographical source materials. Two concepts - encyclopedia and philosophy - as utilized in the 16th and 17th centuries constitute the subject matter of separate articles. And one article focuses primarily on curriculum plans written during the 16th and early 17th centuries. These eight articles are based on a wide array of printed and manuscript source materials which are cited together with library/archive locations and call numbers and which are made more easily accessible through three indices at the conclusion of this volume. (shrink)
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    Preface.Wolfgang Rother, Mordechai Feingold & Joseph S. Freedman - 2001 - In Mordechai Feingold, Joseph S. Freedman & Wolfgang Rother, The influence of Petrus Ramus: studies in sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophy and sciences. Basel: Schwabe & Co.. pp. 7-8.
  8. Defining knowledge in terms of belief: The modal logic perspective.Joseph Y. Halpern, Dov Samet & Ella Segev - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (3):469-487.
    The question of whether knowledge is definable in terms of belief, which has played an important role in epistemology for the last 50 years, is studied here in the framework of epistemic and doxastic logics. Three notions of definability are considered: explicit definability, implicit definability, and reducibility, where explicit definability is equivalent to the combination of implicit definability and reducibility. It is shown that if knowledge satisfies any set of axioms contained in S5, then it cannot be explicitly defined in (...)
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    Is God real?Joseph Runzo (ed.) - 1993 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
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    On the Paradigm of Experience Appropriate for Semiotics.Joseph Ransdell - 1980 - Semiotics:427-437.
    This paper was originally delivered orally at a meeting of the Semiotic Society of America in Lubbock, Texas in 1980 and first published in Semiotics 1980, eds. Michael Herzfeld and Margot Lenhart (New York: Plenum Press, 1982), 427-438. The present version is only lightly revised from the original but a more extensive revision is in process.
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  11. Affection as a Cognitive Judgmental Process: A Theoretical Assumption Put to Test Through Brain-Lateralization Methodology.Joseph Rychlak - 1984 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 5 (2).
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  12. New Essays on Knowability.Joseph Salerno (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Giving Flesh to Culture: An Enactivist Interpretation of Haslanger.Joseph Higgins - 2019 - Tandf: Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (1):81-85.
    Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2019, Page 81-85.
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  14. Anti-realism untouched.Joseph Melia - 1991 - Mind 100 (3):341-342.
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    The dilemma in modern language philosophy. An Hegelian suggestion.Joseph J. Bien - 1997 - In Wilhelm Raimund Beyer, Andreas Arndt, Myriam Gerhard & Jure Zovko, 1996. De Gruyter. pp. 275-278.
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  16. Explanation constrains learning, and prior knowledge constrains explanation.Joseph Jay Williams & Tania Lombrozo - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
    A great deal of research has demonstrated that learning is influenced by the learner’s prior background knowledge (e.g. Murphy, 2002; Keil, 1990), but little is known about the processes by which prior knowledge is deployed. We explore the role of explanation in deploying prior knowledge by examining the joint effects of eliciting explanations and providing prior knowledge in a task where each should aid learning. Three hypotheses are considered: that explanation and prior knowledge have independent and additive effects on learning, (...)
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  17.  7
    Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross?Joseph Schachter - 2001 - Routledge.
    The theory of transference and the centrality of transference interpretation have been hallmarks of psychoanalysis since its inception. But the time has come to subject traditional theory and practice to careful, critical scrutiny in the light of contemporary science. So holds Joseph Schachter, whose _Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross?_ undertakes this timely and thought-provoking task. After identifying the weaknesses and inconsistencies in Freud's original premises about transference, Schachter demonstrates how contemporary developmental research across a variety of domains effectively overturns any (...)
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    Philosophical Encounters: Lonergan and the Analytic Tradition.Joseph Fitzpatrick - 2005 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Enlivening the Self: The First Year, Clinical Enrichment, and the Wandering Mind.Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Frank M. Lachmann & James L. Fosshage - 2015 - Routledge.
    In psychoanalysis, enlivenment is seen as residing in a sense of self, and this sense of self is drawn from and shaped by lived experience. _Enlivening the Self: The First Year, Clinical Enrichment, and the Wandering Mind _describes the vitalizing and enrichment of self-experience throughout the life cycle and shows how active experience draws on many fundamental functional capacities, and these capacities come together in support of systems of motivation; that is, organized dynamic grouping of affects, intentions, and goals. The (...)
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  20.  42
    Do brains think? Comparative anatomy and the end of the Great Chain of Being in 19th-century Britain.Elfed Huw Price - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (3):32-50.
    The nature of the relationship between mind and body is one of the greatest remaining mysteries. As such, the historical origin of the current dominant belief that mind is a function of the brain takes on especial significance. In this article I aim to explore and explain how and why this belief emerged in early 19th-century Britain. Between 1815 and 1819 two brain-based physiologies of mind were the subject of controversy and debate in Britain: the system of phrenology devised by (...)
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  21.  35
    Prolegomenon to the Homeric Centos.M. D. Usher - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):305-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prolegomenon to the Homeric CentosM. D. UsherHomeric centos are poems made up entirely of verses lifted verbatim, or with only slight modification, from the Iliad and Odyssey. Only a few have survived antiquity. There exist three short Homeric centos in the Palatine Anthology (9.361, 381, 382; cf. Hunger 1978, 98–101), a ten–line cento about Herakles quoted by Irenaeus (Wilken 1967), and a seven– line cento grafitto inscribed on the (...)
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  22. Polanyi, Michael.Joseph Shieber - 2005 - In Stuart Brown, The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century British Philosophers: M-Z. Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
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  23. Opening the Sealed Book: Interpretations of the Book of Isaiah in Late Antiquity.Joseph Blenkinsopp - 2006
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    Some Disputable Points Apropos of St. Thomas and Metaphysics.Joseph Bobik - 1963 - New Scholasticism 37 (4):411-430.
  25. Filozofia bolszewicka.Joseph M. Bochenski - 1946 - [Rzym?]:
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    Using behavioral and neural measures to assess training in scene categorization.Joseph Borders, Birken Noesen, Bethany Dennis & Assaf Harel - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Fifteen. Boundaries, Ownership, and Autonomy.Joseph Boyle - 2001 - In David Miller & Sohail H. Hashmi, Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives. Princeton University Press. pp. 296-316.
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    Further thoughts on double effect: Some preliminary responses.Joseph Boyle - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (5):565-570.
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    "Follow your Conscience"?Joseph Boyle - 1992 - Ethics and Medics 17 (10):3-4.
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    Substance-Society-Natural System.Joseph A. Bracken - 1985 - International Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1):3-13.
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    (1 other version)Small Comforts for Hard Times: Humanists on Public Policy (Book).Joseph C. Bronars - 1978 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 9 (3):305-306.
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    Comments on Maimonides’ Negative Theology.Joseph A. Buijs - 1975 - New Scholasticism 49 (1):87-93.
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    For Life Abundant: Practical Theology, Theological Education, and Christian Ministry.Joseph Bush - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (2):206-207.
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  34. Socially-Extended Knowledge.Carter Joseph Adam, Clark Andy, Kallestrup Jesper, Palermos Spyridon Orestis & Pritchard Duncan (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
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  35. Magitri Petri de Ybernia Expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis librum De longitudine et brevitate vitae.Petrus de Ybernia & Michael Dunne - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (2):354-355.
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    Der Begriff der Erfahrung in der Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.Jürg Freudiger, Andreas Graeser & Klaus Petrus - 1996
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    Doubt, Conviction and the Analytic Process: Selected Papers of Michael Feldman.Betty Joseph (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    In this profound and subtle study, a practising psychoanalyst explores the dynamics of the interaction between the patient and the analyst. Michael Feldman draws the reader into experiencing how the clinical interaction unfolds within a session. In doing so, he develops some of the implications of the important pioneering work of such analysts as Klein, Rosenfeld and Joseph, showing in fine detail some of the ways in which the patient feels driven to communicate to the analyst, not only in (...)
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  38. Memory: A logical learning account.Joseph F. Rychlak - 1996 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 17 (3):229-50.
    An interpretation of memory from the perspective of logical learning theory is presented. In contrast to traditional associationistic theories of learning and memory, which rest on mediation modeling, LLT rests on a predication model. Predication draws on formal and final causation whereas mediation is limited to material and efficient causation. It is held in LLT that memory begins in predicate organization, where framing meanings are logically extended to targets. Passage of time is irrelevant in this meaning extension. The effectiveness of (...)
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    Eating out: Reconstituting the Philippines' public kitchens.Joseph T. Salazar - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):133-146.
    The article examines the erasure of any concept of the ‘public kitchen’ in the Philippines as demonstrative of statewide suppression of marginal identities that continues to facilitate the simplistic and uncomplicated entry of neocolonial modernity. As a yardstick of growth and progress under the US colonial government, the battle to modernize the Philippines extends far beyond the political and administrative terrains and into the reconfiguration of domestic space. In particular, the kitchen was to become an important site that demonstrated the (...)
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  40. Influence of Cantillon's Essai on the Methodology of J.B. Say: A Comment on Liggio.Joseph Salerno - 1985 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 7 (2):305-316.
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  41. Ethical dilemmas in Covert and deceptive psychological research.Joseph R. Sanders - 1981 - In Marc D. Hiller, Medical ethics and the law: implications for public policy. Cambridge: Ballinger Pub. Co..
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    CHAPTER 4. The Origins of Marx’s Hostility to Politics: The Devaluation of Rights and Justice.Joseph M. Schwartz - 1995 - In The Permanence of the Political: A Democratic Critique of the Radical Impulse to Transcend Politics. Princeton University Press. pp. 104-145.
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    Money and currency.Joseph A. Schumpeter - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Vom Wesen des Arzttums.Joseph Schumacher - 1946 - Augsburg,: Naumann.
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  45. "Wirklichkeiten" und ihre Erforschung.Joseph Schumacher - 1946 - Augsburg,: J. W. Naumann.
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    Sex differences and effects of sex of examiner in early conservation ability.Joseph D. Sclafani & Richard C. LaBarba - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):191-193.
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    The Wreck of the Deutschland.Joseph Sendry - 1990 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 65 (4):494-499.
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    Collaboration between biology and the social sciences: A milestone.Joseph Shepher - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):25-26.
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    On the tenability of non-factualism with regard to the a priori.Joseph Shieber - 1999 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 80 (4):379–390.
    In a number of recent articles, Hartry Field has attempted to reclaim the a priori for his own brand of non‐factualist epistemology by introducing a non‐epistemic notion of the a priori based purely upon the position of individual beliefs within belief systems. In this article we examine (i) whether a robust enough notion of aprioricity is available to Field, and, by extension, to the radical empiricist and (ii) whether it is possible to connect up the non‐epistemic notion of aprioricity with (...)
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    The Christian intellect and the mystery of being.Joseph John Sikora - 1966 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
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